“When the moon hits your eye
like a big pizza pie,
that’s amore!” sang Dean Martin.
We all know the delicious
feeling of new love,
but what about the flip side?
Love doesn’t always last,
and its retreat can leave
us bewildered, confused
or downright depressed.
Even if you were raised on
a plentiful diet of fairy tales,
you know that “till death
do us part” can be a rare thing.
Even staying with someone
forever is no guarantee of
experiencing lasting love.
But why do people really
fall out of love? Is there
anything we can do
to make love stay?
Do some of us give
up too easily?
Who can to understand
the phenomenon of love’s end?
Maybe a distancing “Wave”
can topple a good thing
if you let it.
After all, real love is
a big deal. It involves
a leap of faith, and that can
be a scary thing.
Those who give in to the Wave
fall out of love before they
even give themselves
a chance to fall properly
in love, and that’s kind of sad.