"There have been several Duchesses of Westminster but there is only one Chanel."
Chanel bags are truly timeless. They have represented luxury and fashion for over 50 years. A 50 year old Chanel bag is more desirable today then it was then. A Chanel bag serves as an antique item…a collectors product, something to hand down to your daughter and granddaughter.
That reminds me that I need one...
Hm...Maybe I should write Santa or something...
The Chanel bag...
If there is one thing that would easily come to mind when someone says “Chanel”, it would probably be the image of their most iconic bag, the 2.55.
Your words ring so true... There has been only ONE and she will last forever as a great fashion icon. NIce shots, Viera!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYes...She was really unique. And how true is what she said:
OdpovedaťOdstrániť"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."
Coco Chanel