streda 31. októbra 2007
nedeľa 28. októbra 2007
sobota 27. októbra 2007

All Souls' Day
In the year 998, this custom was introduced to the second of November by the Benedictine abbot, Oddilo of Cluna, and it quickly spread to all the Christian countries.
Since this time, 18 countries in Europe celebrate the first of November as
All Saints' Day and the day after as
All Souls' Day.

All-Saints' Day (1868)
Never to weary more, nor suffer sorrow,
Their strife all over, and their work all done:
At peace and only waiting for the morrow;
Heaven's rest and rapture even now begun.
So tired once! long fetter'd, sorely burden'd,
Ye struggled hard and well for your release;
Ye fought in faith and love and ye are guerdon'd,
O happy souls! for now ye are at peace.
No more of pain, no more of bitter weeping!
For us a darkness and an empty place,
Somewhere a little dust in angels' keeping
A blessèd memory of a vanish'd face

pondelok 22. októbra 2007
sobota 20. októbra 2007
sobota 6. októbra 2007
The Return of Persephone

Frederic Leighton - The Return of Persephone (1891)
The legendary tale of the abduction of Persephone was a favorite subject for artists through the ages. According to Greek mythology, Persephone was the beautiful daughter of the goddess Demeter. Hades, the dark god of the Underworld, became enamored with the lovely young maiden, and so one day he simply emerged from his shadowy realm and plucked Persephone from the earth like a flower
Persephone's mother Demeter was heartbroken at the loss of her daughter. As Demeter was the goddess of agriculture and fertility, she used her power to make a demand to be reunited with Persephone. In the end, that is precisely what happens - Persephone is returned to the earth and her mother for part of the year, while she spends the rest of her time with Hades. The story is therefore a mythological explanation for the changing seasons
In this painting, Lord Leighton has focused on depicting the dramatic reunion of mother and daughter. The willowy, fragile form of Persephone drifts gently toward the outstretched arms of her eager mother. Demeter, clad in vibrant orange robes, stands silhouetted against the cloudy blue sky. Along with Persephone and Demeter, one other figure is present - the god Hermes. In this scene, Hermes acts as an intermediary, delivering Persephone to the surface of the earth
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