Eighteen year old Jamal Malik is having an amazing answering streak on the Indian version of the television game show, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". He's only one correct question away from the big prize. However, some, including those associated with the game show, question how someone like Jamal, a self confessed non-genius who grew up in the slums of Mumbai, can be doing so well on the show when others who are brighter, more educated and wealthier than him have failed. Is Jamal cheating? Is it purely luck that they have asked him the questions to which he knows the answers?

Slumdog millionaire didn't show the BAD or NEGATIVE India. It showed a REAL PART of India.
Yes, India has many beautiful and clean places that should be seen like religious mountains and temples or tourist attractions.
It is a movie which was nominated for ten 2008 Academy awards
and won eight...